Exploring the benefits of solar power for small businesses

Small businesses can often find themselves looking for ways to reduce their financial outgoings and maximising the positive impact of investments, especially at the start of their life when every penny counts. At the same time, many are seeking to operate as sustainably as possible, finding ways to reduce carbon footprint and lessen their reliance on finite fossil fuels. Solar power can tick these boxes and more for small business owners. Despite the initial financial outlay on having the photovoltaic panels, inverter and solar battery installed, the system can have an almost immediate impact on lowering fuel bills and supporting a greener operation.

Here are some of the main commercial solar benefits, cost savings and reasons why solar power is a great fit for small businesses right now.

Renewable energy, for ever

So long as the sun continues to shine, solar power can be generated by installing solar panels and converting the energy they capture into electricity. Despite incorrect myths to the contrary, solar panels can be effective at producing electricity for small businesses even during dull or cloudy weather conditions. So long as the panels are positioned to receive at least some solar energy during the day, they can produce electricity that can be sued to offset utility bills for the day-to-day running of a small business. While they may not do away with the need for hybrid electricity provision altogether, they certainly help commercial enterprises make the most of the infinite supply of energy afforded to our planet by the sun.

Lower bills, stronger bottom line

Lessening a small business’s reliance on the National Grid lowers its electricity bill, which reduces pressure during financially leaner times and allows for more optimistic budget forecasting. Lower bills means there is more money available for investing in growth, paying staff and finding essential commercial aspects such as R&D, marketing and quality control. Solar panel systems are cheaper to install than ever before, and affordable to service, clean and generally maintain. Their presence can also attract environmentally concerned clients who could be encouraged to put their custom your way simply due to your visible commitment to this sustainable way of working.

Reduced negative impact on the wider environment

Businesses of all sizes are encouraged to think more carefully about how their operational processes impact on the world around them. From avoiding waste and pollution in manufacturing to working to recycle more materials and reduce single-use plastics, there are many different ways for small business owners to work more responsibly. Installing solar panels results in clean, non-polluting energy production without impacting on local wildlife habitats or emitting harmful greenhouse gases. They are even silent in their production of renewable energy, preventing noise pollution from becoming a problem for your commercial neighbours. Plus, they make a great addition to your Corporate Social Responsibility portfolio.

Increased energy security and independence

Perhaps one of the most crucial commercial solar benefits comes in the form of increased security against power outages, attacks and geo-political issues around the ongoing supply of oil and gas. All of these things can significantly affect both large and small businesses, sometimes with very little notice. In an increasingly connected, internet-centric world, not having access to online files and resources for a prolonged period of time, due to power cuts or sabotage, could spell disaster for small businesses reliant on keeping in touch with their customers. Being able to rely on your own source of renewable, solar power electricity is a huge asset in this type of scenario. Especially if you also invest in solar batteries to store surplus electricity until it is needed.

Aesthetics and education

Many small businesses are based within the community, rather than on business parks set outside the main part of town. As such, keeping the building and surroundings neat, tidy and attractive to visitors is important. Solar panels can fit easily onto a roof or similar flat surface, taking up little room and not spoiling the overall look of a building or site. Even the solar battery can be housed in a suitably safe outhouse or part of the office that can be tucked away out of sight. Having solar panels is a great opportunity to educate employees, customers and other stakeholder on the importance of switching to renewable energy sources too. They can make a great talking point at meetings, conferences, presentations and staff social get-togethers.