Experts in the install of Solar PV Systems & Battery Storage Solutions


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Experts in the install of Solar PV Systems & Battery Storage Solutions. Solar is the #1 guaranteed way to reduce your carbon footprint and save up to 70% on your energy bills.


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UPS Solar Products

We install solar panels and battery storage solutions nationwide, with teams situated around the country, we are never too far away and can offer a local personal service.


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Find the best solar panel battery

Solar panel batteries are a must-have for anyone who wants to make the most out of their solar power system. They capture and store the surplus electricity generated by the photovoltaic panels during the day so that it can be used at another time, such as at night or in dull weather. The best solar panel batteries are those with a large capacity for energy storage, are easy to install and connect to the rest of the solar power system and are competitively priced for a wide range of budgets.

What is a solar panel battery?

Solar panel batteries work by storing the electricity generated by solar panels that convert energy straight from the sun. Solar panel batteries can be used to supply electricity for a household or business during duller weather or overnight. Some can also be used to charge electric cars at home, which adds to their versatility and convenience. Many leading technology and energy brands manufacture and sell solar batteries, including Tesla, Samsung, and EDF.


How to know which solar battery is the best?

Each property being powered by solar energy will require a system set up that matches its individual requirements. This includes solar panel batteries with the correct specifications. The most common batteries are lithium-ion, which can offer a relatively substantial storage capacity, are easy to maintain and can fully charge within a few hours. To choose the best solar battery for your precise circumstances, take a look at its capacity (is it large enough to store sufficient electricity for your needs?), predicted life cycle, how much electricity can be safely discharged (depth of discharge) and the technology used to make it. Other points to research include charging/discharging current, smart grid trading capabilities, AC versus DC and warranty conditions.

Solar battery installation

Solar battery installation is straightforward and quick to do. It can be connected to an existing solar power setup or be fitted as part of a brand-new system. UPS Solar has expert teams of installers around the country who can advise on the best products to buy and then oversee their installation and ongoing maintenance. Contact us today for more details or to ask any questions about solar panel batteries and how they work.

How much will PV battery storage save in terms of mains electricity?

As with any system of this type, the precise amount of money and primary electricity usage that you will be able to save will vary from customer to customer. It will depend on how much electricity you were using before having a solar battery installed and how much you can generate with your PV panels and home battery storage in place. Your energy provider or solar power installation company should be able to help you make more accurate calculations.

Reduce your carbon footprint

Solar power systems help you reduce your carbon footprint by using renewable energy from the sun to generate electricity eliminate or reduce the need for fossil fuels. Being able to store excess electricity for later use is also a great way to be more carbon responsible, as you can be far more self-sufficient when it comes to your energy, rather than needing to use national resources that rely on non-renewable methods of energy production.

Long-lasting batteries with a comprehensive warranty programme

It is important when thinking about having solar battery storage installed to choose a company that can offer systems that are durable to provide a longer working life, as well as one that comes with a comprehensive warranty for five or ten years or more. This will protect you in the event of a malfunction and give you peace of mind that any faulty parts will be repaired, so long as the circumstances in which they are not working fall under the warranty terms.

Built-in battery management system

You can choose to have a built-in battery management system for greater efficiency and a more pleasing aesthetic. Whether installing the whole solar power system all in one go or adding the battery storage element to it as an extra feature, a built-in system will provide you with everything you need to start storing your surplus energy for future use.

Reduce your energy bills

The figures are precise. Installing a domestic battery storage system will have a genuine impact on your energy bills over time, as your reliance on the National Grid will lessen significantly. As you become accustomed to life with solar-powered electricity, you might also be able to switch your gas-supplied appliances, such as your oven or even your central heating and hot water system, to electric alternatives, potentially reducing your overall energy bills even further.

Monitor your PV battery storage anywhere in the world in real-time

Many PV battery storage systems come with software that enables you to remotely track their performance via an app on your smartphone or tablet device. You can check in on the energy efficiency of your house or business from anywhere in the world for peace of mind and help you monitor how much electricity is being generated by your solar PV panel system and then stored for future use while you are away.

Why you should choose UPS Solar for PV battery storage systems

UPS Solar has worked all over the UK to install and monitor solar PV systems and home battery storage solutions of all types and sizes. We can help you choose the right combination for your individual domestic or business needs. Our expert engineering team will oversee the installation of your system from start to finish. We offer all our customers an initial, no-obligation consultation to discuss solar energy requirements and get the ball rolling on PV panels and solar battery storage installation.

Services with Promising Outcome

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Energy prices Are At All Time High... Solar Panels Can Help You Save Up to 70% Per Year On Your Energy Bills

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Solar panels that are regularly serviced and cleaned can work up to 30% more efficiently than panels that are not routinely looked after or inspected. This makes regular servicing extremely important to ensure your panels remain safe, effective and in good working order.
Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity through photovoltaic cells. These cells generate direct current (DC), which is then converted into alternating current (AC) for use in homes and businesses.

UPS Solar can install a wide range of solar power PV panels ranging from 2KW to 6kW solar PV systems with and without battery solutions.

The amount of roof space required depends on your energy needs and the efficiency of the solar panels. On average, a 1 kW solar panel system needs about 100 square feet of roof space.

Solar panels can be installed at any time of the year. Some homeowners prefer installing during spring or summer when there is more sunlight, but installations during other seasons are common as well.

The installation timeline depends on various factors, including the size of the system and the complexity of the installation. On average, residential solar panel installations can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

Yes, solar panels can be installed during the winter months. Modern solar technology is designed to function efficiently in cold temperatures, and installation can take place as long as weather conditions permit safe work.

While solar panels are low-maintenance, periodic checks are recommended to ensure optimal performance. UPS Solar provides maintenance services to keep your solar panel system running efficiently.

Solar panels are becoming more efficient and affordable, investing in solar panels for your home makes financial and environmental sense. High electricity rates make solar panels cost-effective, and incentives like tax credits can cut upfront expenses. Solar panels boost home value and promote sustainability by reducing reliance on traditional energy.

Solar panels typically have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years. During this period, they generally maintain at least 80% of their initial power output. The longevity can be influenced by factors such as manufacturing quality, environmental conditions, and maintenance.

Solar panels can be damaged by various factors. Common causes include extreme weather conditions like hail, strong winds, or heavy snow. Environmental factors such as bird droppings, dirt, and debris can also impact performance. Physical damage during installation or maintenance is another risk. Additionally, electrical issues like overvoltage or lightning strikes can harm the panels. Regular inspections, prompt maintenance, and installing protective measures, such as anti-reflective coatings or bird deterrents, can mitigate these risks and ensure the longevity of your solar panel system.

Keeping your solar panels clean is crucial for optimal performance. Dust, dirt, bird droppings, and other debris can accumulate on the panels, reducing their efficiency. Regular cleaning helps maximise sunlight absorption and energy production. In areas with less rainfall, manual cleaning may be necessary, while in rainier regions, natural cleaning can occur.


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